Welcome to MapleStory Survival Kit, if you have any trouble while playing current patch of MapleStory. Then you come to the wrong place, this website only provide the old MapleStory's information and experience of how the game logic work as a software. If you have any specific question about the current MapleStory patch then you might felt disappointed and think of this website is utterly useless to you. The purpose of this website is to share the old memory and feel entertain about what all MapleStory's player have done in the past. Give yourself a question of "What if?" and "What could it change?" that we all have done the wrong decision in the game. For instance, I have try to upgreade the item with the 60% scoll but it failed. You might think that is just a bad luck happen while play this game. In fact, how if I tell you this is not true to everyone and to anytime? What would have been change in the game?
About Author
Hello! My name is Jen-Chieh Shen. I make and study games as a role of game programmer at Academy of Art University. MapleStory is one of my favorite Massively Multiplayer Online Game. MapleStory does really well attracting people because the game have fantastic art and unique game mechanics. That is why I have been playing this game over half of decade. I truely enjoy the game and miss the old time that this game brought me to. Well, time does not goes back, just want to put down something in my lift to show off how important this game bring me and entertain me when I was a little kid.
Weclome to the experience section. This section is about how experiences can be use to change the way of playing MapleStory. If you want to be the really good at something you certainly need to practice or get use to that in order to master it. Neither do MapleStory, you just need to be playing with your friend and research about the quest and you are done. Their might be a little issue with people who want to sale item in the game. I remember when I was 7th grade and I am trying to make some money through the game because someone who willing to pay you because they do not have time to do the quest or something related. Is all about the experience will help you get better to the game itself.

Get the Quest!~

Most of the game is interact with strategy and luck. If one game's win or lose hardly rely on the luck then we can call this gamble. In reality we could use trick or method to achieve 100% win rate. So as the video game, we could all achieve 100% win rate if we use the right method. But depends on the method you used this could be lead to multiple consequences. Here I would like to share informations that alot of people does not know while they playing a Massively Multiplayer Online game. Fire and foremost, I would need to brought up randomness, so what exactly randomness in video games? In game development, randomness is something we think of the luck. Indeed, in order to make chance in video game is to generate a random number. Then base on that number we could have the diversity results. So what is the point?

The secret is how does human generate random numbers in video game or any software? Answer is programmer gnerate random number base on the certain amount of data and turn that into algorithm. You might think of why doe this matter? This matter because this mean randomness is actually not random. You might heard of the news about someone won the lottery by measuring the algorithm, etc. This could be fake news, but this isn't impossible to do if you understand the algorithm. You can almost 100 percent get want you want in the software world.

According to above information we can proof this in MapleStory. Just oberve how people gain the item from the egg machine. You will discover when people get certain amount of good item in the certain amount of time. Why? because the algorithm is base on the time itself, which mean if you want to use egg machine you could simply check of the master announce post in order to get the good timing. Good Luck!

Pay to WIN
Welcome to Pay to WIN section! This is topic that I would not want to talk about, but I think this become more and more important by the time goes. Since the third CEO of the game MapleStory had change their sale strategy the game have basically changed from a pure fun game into the pay to win game. I would not say that this is not wrong since I am also work in the game industry, in normal to see people trying to sell their game hardly. But really, I mean MapleStory is so popular, they have all the reputation and could easily make another game by using the same concept or what so ever. Is worst to turn a good game into a selling game because it would game become another normal game and I believe Nexon can proof that they have good income from MapleStory for certain amount of year. It just not necessary for them to change the selling strategy. Now people will just leave this game because the game have already lose the fun and challenges.
MapleStory 2
Good News to all the MapleStory fans. Nexon have plan MapleStory 2 but which is another completely different game. Hopefully it could bring us the sense of the adventure what MapleStory brought to us. MapleStory 2 have been release in 2015 at Korean, some of my friend have tried them at KMS 2. Seem like this would not be as fun as the old GMS but will still bring us some fun I suppose.